mplementation of a Seminar with Dissertation Proposals for the Class of 2023/2024

Tuesday, May 14 2024, an online seminar was held with dissertation proposals for the class of 2023/2024 via zoom meeting. The event started at 12.30 to 14.00 WIB and was attended by students, supervisors and other doctoral students. On this occasion, Rizki Arumning Tyas and Icha Kurnia Wati submitted a dissertation proposal on the topic of Developing an Integrated Learning Model with Local Potential. The event began with an opening by the moderator who presented the agenda and introduced the two speakers. The moderator also provided a general overview of the importance of developing learning models that are integrated with local potential in the Indonesian education context. Rizki Arumning Tyas started the first session by presenting his dissertation proposal. He explained the research background, objectives, methodology used, and the expected results from developing a learning model that integrates local potential. Rizki emphasized that the integration of local potential can increase the relevance of teaching materials and encourage students' active participation in the teaching and learning process. The second session was continued by Icha Kurnia Wati who also presented her dissertation proposal. Icha outlines the concepts and theoretical framework that underlie the development of local potential-based learning models. Apart from that, Icha also presented plans for implementing and evaluating the model in the schools that were the research locations.

After presentations from the two speakers, the event continued with a question and answer session. Seminar participants are given the opportunity to ask questions, provide suggestions, or constructive criticism of the proposed dissertation proposal. The discussion was interactive with various input which was very useful for the development of the two speakers' research. The seminar with dissertation proposals for the class of 2023/2024 ran smoothly and successfully. It is hoped that through activities like this, doctoral program students can obtain valuable input that will help them in perfecting their research. Apart from that, it is hoped that the integration of local potential in learning models can be an innovative solution to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.